What Are Orders?
Orders can mean different things to different companies. For a carpeting company, an order could be the purchase and installation of...
How Do I Manage Order Payments?
If you have access to modify payments, you should see a link called "Add a payment". Clicking this link will display...
How Do Order Reminders Work?
Order reminders allow you to set a future date that reminds you to follow up with a customer or order. To...
How Do I Download Order Files?
Different browsers handle downloading files differently. But for most browsers, you can right click and choose "Save Target As" or...
What Are User Order Associations?
User associations allow you to connect sales people, installers and other users to orders. A simple usecase can be when you...
What Is The Order Status Sold Ratio?
Decide whether an order status will be used in the sales statistics report. We use the status to determine which...
Can Invoice Items Be Associated With Orders?
Yes! Through the Settings->Invoice Items page, you can create create individual items to be associated with orders. Invoice item information includes...